Junior Performance Program

Junior Performance Program - Presented by Frenchville Sports Club in Partnership with Thomo's Betta & Dr Bradley Richmond


The Junior Performance Program is available for any Frenchville Sports Club Sportsperson, under the age of 18, that has been accepted into a higher level sporting representation squad. If the applicant is over the age of 18yrs please apply for the Representative Athlete Assistance Program under our Sports page.

Player Details

If player is under 18 years of age please use parent/guardian membership number.


Examples may include playing fees, uniform fees and travel expenses. Please also attach in extra information below.
Please detail what additional community activities and/or sporting activities the applicant takes part in such as volunteering, umpiring, scoring.
Please detail how the applicant displays a high standard of sportsmanship and conduct.
Please detail how the applicant is diligent in their work ethic towards academic studies.
Please demonstrate how the participant demonstrates at least one of the Frenchville Sports Club Values as detailed above.
If successful with funding which of the school holiday Vector Health Clinics would you be be available to attend?

Supporting Documents

Please upload the below relevant documents. Any mandatory fields must be provided or funding will not be considered.

Please upload one of the above mentioned relevant documents. This must be provided or funding will not be considered.
Please upload a photo to be used for marketing purposes if submission is successful.
Please attach any other relevant information to your application. Attachments must be less than 2mb in size and in PDF or JPEG format.

Bank Details


By submitting this form I declare that all information is true and correct.